loving presence

loving presence
yes another miracle for a smile

Friday, September 3, 2010


today i make a new contract with myself and it's very simple... try out one for yourself and really consider meeting yourself there each moment.

loving you

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

i am smiling right now


Inside and out - there is an energy shift in me the moment I begin to smile - no matter why... it's doing it that counts... and doing it again and again... feeling it deeply

years ago i did a smiling meditation - first i would deeply smile with my heart and break out into a full smaile on my face then i would imagine seeing 10 people smiling from their hearts at me - this is that pure smile of light/love that comes through the eyes-- i would imagine them walking towards me, people i knew, people i did not know., I did this visualization. Me smiling at them, them smileing at me, feeling the deep flowing connection. I did the exercise for a month without missing a day - it took me 3 months total to complete30 consecutive days. When i missed a day , i'd start again until 30 consecutive days were completee. The beauty that came into my life & my world by doing this at night before i went to bed - imagining 10 people smiling and first thing in the morning before I opened my eyes, imagining 10 people smiling -- it was so worth it. It changed my life!

All day i had beautiful heart smile encounters with people in my world. people i knew or didn't. These treasured moments of deep flowing unconditional love connection just happened. When people were approachine me, I would just naturally smile openly at them and this would be returned -- Precious, unexpected, revitalizing moments.

Want to try??