loving presence

loving presence
yes another miracle for a smile

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Feel better intantly! Laugh for no reason! Today's Smile Talk

awesome - this full moon just passed  'twas Buddah's Birthday and that is always heart wishes granted time for all... yesterday my heart sang so loudly i had to break out in huge bouts of unrestrained laughter for no reason many many times all day - YES - it WAS THE COSMIC JOKE - it ripped wide open and gave me a huge peek of "everything is ok!!!"

and of course i now understand the reason for the smile office - it is all it takes to shift gears and perspective- turning the corners of the mouth up! SMILE! www.thesmileoffice.com - spreading smiling!

HAHAHAHAHA - here it goes again! YES - BRING IT ON!!!!!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Feel better instantly, stress refief, 4 easy steps - do it now

There is something each one of us can always do to feel better instantly... we can "BE" and "LET" ourselves and other "be"...
1. STOP and breathe deeply - take about 3 deep breaths

2. NOW remove all judgment - YES this includes self-judgment (especially). say to yourself, "Everything is just fine right now as it is in this moment" (just take a minute and just let this BE). Breathe this in deeply.

3. Notice something to be grateful for right now - a pet, a flower, a tree, the sky, your smile

4. SMILE to yourself, as you close your eyes and just let yourself embrace this moment right now, and be grateful for NO REASON...

NEXT comit to an action that is of service to your or somebody - go a good thing, for no reason - pay it forward... this is how ENERGY OPERATES .

GIVE FIRST, give what you want to receive, give it openly ( from your heart) - then tune into you and give love to yourself - it may feel like a gentle pulsing - do this for a couple of minutes.

If you feel cluching in your belly or your chest, bow your head a little and let it go - let the energy go that is trapped in there...
Notice if it is: 1. a need to control, 2. a need to feel safe, 3. a need for approval

NOW LET IT GO AS YOU BOW YOUR HEAD - It wants to leave, you have to LET IT.

Compliments of www.thesmileoffice.com

Here is today's SMILE TALK
SMILE TALK -yesterday, I deeply shared a gaze with a fellow being - for about 5 minutes of eternity. This week - each one of us can share: a touch that lingers - only for the purpose of love (not need), a gaze that pulses love (it's ok to just be), sharing a sound or song together, sitting & just breathing together - longer durations of presence together- this week's inspiration from THE SMILE OFFICE - loving you being!