loving presence

loving presence
yes another miracle for a smile

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

knowing everything

knowing everything... is that a non-listening place? the obvious fear of facing this moment only now... at this time?

for...giving... love

Sunday, August 29, 2010

simple... letting.... ahhhh

Simple attention - smiling..... more smiling.... letting love in.... letting love flow through me.... letting myself feel grateful...... seems i had/have a plug in the meca-nism

Ahhh.... my stomach is learning a new kind of resting - actually using breath, not just feeling squeezed all day! yes... simple.... breathing in and breathing out....

Tonight I sang Saskia a song to go to sleep by... she asked for a song from my heart. Itt was about the dream time and how i am so alone there so much of the time. Not because I am - just because I did not notice those who reach out to me there before.

The song said, "and you reach out your hand... reach out your hand - to me. I did not see you there for so long... and you reach out your hand to me and I am so happy you are here... so happy i can finally see you... you are here with me... with me"

what great joy to know for sure that we are all one and what a daily grind of forgetting it has been for so long.... re-letting...



re-sisting still?

re-meaning to be still


This summer is like no other... much change is in place in our bodies I personally have been witness to a new field of energy within the blue light spectrum - like millions of little lights inside of us - they have been integrating since last weekend... some even since only this past Monday - my awareness has expanded daily.

Here's what I'm doing when I remember... tuning in to my/our heart - being still - holding my/our full resonance/vibration within my/our awareness.

This is "being who you are" allowing this new energy to be present in you and your awareness - you may feel a gentle pulsing or not - doing this many times a day - letting, allow - this is what we can "do". The changes are gentle sometimes on the inside and not so gentle at other times - notice what is coming everyday - many moments of the day and embrace it without judgment - that is compassion.... nothing defines us but us... as we expand out of the ego self and move into oneness, we are doing and learning simultaneously through FEELING & BEING.
I love you and am present with my resonnance and this intention below - joining together is now our needed strength.... me and you are not alone!

The following is the Shared Intent provided by Mayan Grand Elder, Don Alejandro. Note that it is important to FEEL the words as they are spoken, in order for them to have any effect. Whether you're alone, or in a group, allow your consciousness to expand and remember those with whom you are united around the world.


"I, as a sovereign being, join together with All That Is to call forth the presence of balance and unity within me and in our world. I am the conscious presence of harmony and reconciliation and I am grateful for the wholeness I bring forth in this and every moment."

-- Grand Elder Don Alejandro Cirilo Perez Oxlaj, "Wandering Wolf”