loving presence

loving presence
yes another miracle for a smile

Monday, November 7, 2011

Ocuupying our own hearts

"Love in Presence" comes from occupying my own heart - or when I was out visiting others hearts - a yearning would fill me - a call from my own heart who was missing me.

It is a full day today... I did slow down and lived in my body all day. i felt calm, and breathed well and explored each moment with curiosity and awe and wonder. And I feel comfort from this ease.

Letting, sharing, being. Learning to live from the heart. Natural and new.

Occupy your heart, mine is much happier when I spend the day with her.

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to integrate Occupy Your Heart with Occupy Wall Street, without calling the heart corrupt. Yet it is true that the heart can be a dark place. And it is true that even if we feel our consciousness contains nothing but bad (not something I would want to bring into my heart), if we shift our consciousness from mind to heart, i.e. if we occupy our hearts, healing happens.
    Alas, I cannot find a short way to say that.
    "Occupy your heart - Bring consciousness into the fortress" doesn't convey the meaning.
    Perhaps the long form must suffice.
    Thanks for the inspiration,
